A sampling of my Autograph collection
57 Yankee Ball
62 Mets Program
Alfred Hitchcock
Casey Stengel
Jonas Salk
Joe Dimaggio on a 69 World Series year Book.
Edward G. Robinson.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Everitt Dirkson
Fredrick March
Gene Tunney
To Lowell, From Harry Truman
Harry Truman as a Mason
Hubert Humphry
Bing Crosby
Jack Benny
Lyndon Johnson
J. Edgar Hoover
J. Edgar Hoover
Jimmy Durante
Lyndon Johnson
John Barrymore

Sympathy card
regarding Lyndon
Lady Bird and Lyndon Johnson
To Lowell Taubman From Harry Truman
Mae West
Lillian Gish.
Vice President Lyndon Johnson
Pat and Richard Nixon
Pearl S. Buck
Of Mice and Men autographed Playbill
Thomas Dewey
Haryy Truman
Omar Bradley
Wally Schira